Letter writer stumped by municipality’s inaction

Are we supposed to quietly wait for action while people’s lives are put at stake at this intersection?

To the Editor,

This month there was yet another crash at the intersection of Campbell and Pine Streets. This T-junction is situated at the crest of a hill and vision approaching from all three directions is limited. There appeared to be two vehicles involved, and since all three emergency services attended, probably some injury, too.

A few years ago, Pine Street had a traffic light installed at Comox Road, one block north. Subsequently, traffic increased. About the same time, a dangerous tree was removed from the southeast corner of Pine and Campbell, leaving a stump. Traffic joining Pine Street from Campbell, particularly turning left, is hampered by a lack of vision because of the stump.

The neighbourhood association canvassed its residents for traffic and parking problems, and submitted the resulting information to city staff. More recently, there has been a response from staff. To remove the stump would cost about $1,500 and there is no budget or likelihood of action until 2015.

Are we supposed to quietly wait for action while people’s lives are put at stake at this intersection? What is particularly galling to me is the fact that traffic safety is a core responsibility of the municipality, whereas, for instance, repairing a building for a non-profit theatre – however nice the concept sounds – is not.

Are we being taxed for the benefit of all, or just a select few?

Lawrence RieperNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin