Letter: Wrong headline: Sooke Road is not the only way

In a real emergency we can use the Pacific Circle Route.

“House fire closed only road in/out of Sooke.”

Sooke Road, Highway 14, is only one of the roads in/out of Sooke.

It is the most popular and most travelled, but in real emergency we can use the Pacific Circle Route.

West to Port Renfrew, up to Lake Cowichan, Duncan, and Victoria. Takes a couple extra hours, but so be it.

Folks need a reminder about the alternative. Newcomers may take your headline seriously and feel trapped in case of emergency.

And then there is old reliable, the original way to Victoria, by boat. After all, we are mariners here in Sooke.

The word “ONLY” is so restrictive, my old wordsmith friend.

Ralph Hull



Sooke News Mirror