Letter: Y user will miss large men’s change room

Many, including me, are mad about the changes at the Y.

To the editor:

I just read the story in the Capital News about the renovations at the (Kelowna Family) Y. (Family Y Undergoes Change Room Renovations, Capital News, Nov. 26)

Many, including me, are mad about the changes at the Y.

The loss of the steam room is bad enough but making the men’s change room smaller and losing half the showers is ridiculous.

I have been in that room when it had the maximum 18 people in there. I question the accuracy of that number, but if right, it was very crowded.

One of the (life)guards told me they had them count numbers during the day when they had time. Very scientific. If the room is two-thirds the size it will be ludicrous.

I agree the family change room is far to small but there is no vision in these changes and they hurt another user group.

My complaints to both the city and the Y have been brushed off. They have us all over a barrel as there is not a equal facility in town.

I do believe some may leave because of these changes. When I talked to the person showing the changes she said “we’re all about families,” implying we don’t count.

If the city and the Y are telling you that all are happy with these changes they are in error. Most members— male, female, with or without kids—that I talk to feel this change is wrong.

I am still talking to members who have no idea these changes are even coming, so they have not promoted it well.  I was told they polled the membership on whether to keep the steam room or the sauna and most wanted a sauna. I have yet to meet a person who was asked. If they had some meeting, did they want any one to know?

Arthur K. Riddell,



Kelowna Capital News