An underpass at Harris Road is one of three projects in Pitt Meadows that CP Rail wants to proceed with. (THE NEWS/files)

An underpass at Harris Road is one of three projects in Pitt Meadows that CP Rail wants to proceed with. (THE NEWS/files)

Letter: You get used to train whistles, really?

Editor, The News:

Editor, The News:

Re: Underpass, overpasses pitched for Pitt Meadows.

My family and I moved to Pitt Meadows from Burnaby in December. We did some research prior to moving, went out to dinner, drove around the neighbourhoods and liked it a lot, obviously.

Our place is about a kilometre from the Harris Road rail crossing, but we’ve lived near train tracks before, so no biggie right?


Whistles. Heard from miles away. Long. Loud, a lot.

We hear them all the time at 4:30 and 5:30 a.m. It hasn’t been two months yet and Im wondering, how do people sleep here? I use ear plugs. They don’t really work when the whistles go, but I still do.

I asked a few locals. They said you get used to it. Really ? To random, late night, early morning, blood curdling pipes of a steamship?

It’s true you get used to it during the day, very quickly. But at night? Different story.

Thousands of Pitt residents must share my observation, at least?

Upon reading the article, I wondered, have either of the councillors who oppose the Harris Rd. underpass on the grounds that it would wreck the city, had the opportunity to asses the potential colossal improvement to the quality of life in this area based on the elimination of the need for the aforemnetioned decibels of dream destruction?

We could improve traffic for residents and the rail, get them through our neighbourhoods quicker and quieter. I got stuck at the same crossing waiting for the train the other day, sure did wish we had an overpass, I thought, and there goes the whistle.

Ginna Scotto

Pitt Meadows

Maple Ridge News