LETTER: You, me and the TPP

The TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) free trade agreement is a corporate rights agreement that the Trudeau government is considering signing.

LETTER: You, me and the TPP

The TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) free trade agreement is a corporate rights agreement that the Trudeau government is considering signing. You may well wonder, what does this document have to do with me? The answer is plenty.

Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canadian whistleblower and former senior scientific advisor at Health Canada, warns us that the TPP is a threat to both our health and our food safety.

The TPP will extend drug patents for pharmaceutical companies which, in turn, will drive up the cost of prescription drugs. Canadians already pay the second highest price for drugs in the world. The TPP would make it harder for Canada to establish a national pharmacare program to help Canadians afford these prices.

Furthermore, the TPP would force Canada to allow milk and dairy products from US cows injected with bovine growth hormone onto our grocery shelves. This hormone is linked to serious animal and human health risks such as cancer, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular, neurological and reproductive disorders.

You can join Dr. Chopra to save Canada from this disastrous deal. Visit foodsovereigntycanada.com to sign his petition.

Sandra Nelken, Nelson Chapter, Council of Canadians


Nelson Star