
Concerned with rezoning application at Belvista intersection

I attended the developers information meeting at Edward Milne Community School for the above mentioned property. According to the developer the combined properties they purchased equals 13 acres. I understand they have applied to have the rezoning changed to Commercial/Mixed Residential.

I have great concerns about the rezoning change and its implications.

1) The increased traffic this will create at the Sooke Road and Phillips/Belvista intersection, along with the expanding Sunriver developments and the planned Throup Road connector coming onto Phillips, will be unacceptable and dangerous.

2) The developer has stated that they are negotiating with a fuel company to put a gas station at the corner of Belvista and Sooke Road. The environmental impact of this is ridiculous with its close proximity to the Sooke River, the Sooke Harbour, oyster beds, clam beds, the Cooper’s Cove oyster plant and last, but not least, the existing residential neighbourhood.

3) The sewer issues with a Commercial/Mixed Residential are also a major concern.

I am asking for the zoning of this 13 acres to remain the same and have the owners build within the current zoning laws.

Looking forward to attending public input into this property.

Catherine Williams


Sooke News Mirror