
The people writing in arguing against allowing a Tim Hortons in Sooke have not even thought about what they are talking about.

The people writing in arguing against allowing a Tim Hortons in Sooke have not even thought about what they are talking about. They are willing to deny a Canadian-founded company a place in this town but allow two American-founded companies to sit right across from each other in this town. That is very sad indeed. What does Tim Hortons bring to others? It brings ‘the send a child to camp,’ which is a few different programs for kids to go to camp.

If one wishes to argue about local, one should look at what is truly local, are these small coffee shops buying local coffee? Don’t get me wrong, I love at least one of the local coffee shops but these people who cry ‘support your local companies’ should think about what local really means. Bringing a Tim Hortons to Sooke is not going to take away from the small coffee shops because they are not  the same. And to claim that Tim Hortons coffee is lousy is outright ludicrous, how on earth could lousy coffee be Canada’s #1 choice? Who are you trying to convince here?

The founder of Tim Hortons served our country in one of our favourite sports for 20 years, then traded for his last two years of sports entertainment for hockey fans everywhere. He founded Tim Hortons in order to have something to work at after hockey, but died before seeing it become the amazing business it has become.

Before trying to stop a Canadian company from coming to Sooke, how about banishing the American companies because you have no argument to local if you allow the American companies to be here.

And what about the one who claimed ‘the look of disgust on the waiter’s face as you order your coffee.’ Don’t know what Tim Hortons you’ve been to, but I’ve never experienced what you are claiming.

Sooke, it is time to bring Canada’s favourite coffee to this town and enjoy it.

M. Reynolds



Sooke News Mirror