LETTERS: A beautiful tree in Penticton destroyed

I was both astonished and appalled to see that the City of Penticton recently cut down a beautiful tree in Gyro Park.

I was both astonished and appalled to see that the City of Penticton recently cut down one of the largest and most beautiful trees in Gyro Park.

This tree used to stand at the southeast corner of Gyro Park. It provided shade to us and visitors in the summer. It sequestered carbon dioxide from the atmosphere thus helping reduce global warming. It increased the aesthetic value and ambience of Gyro Park.

I can only presume that the tree was eliminated because of a new cross road between Martin and Main streets.

This road is totally unnecessary as both Westminster Avenue and Lakeshore Drive are less than one block away. This road will eliminate some of the grass in Gyro Park and about 12 parking spaces from the lot on Martin Street. Eliminating these parking spaces is contrary to the supposed goal of encouraging use of our downtown core by pedestrians instead of automobiles.

Christel Brisch



Penticton Western News