Letter-writer Bill Piket suggests a polygamist will put his birthday gift to use.

Letter-writer Bill Piket suggests a polygamist will put his birthday gift to use.

LETTERS: A Bountiful birthday


This week, Winston Blackmore of Bountiful, B.C. celebrates his 60th birthday.


This week, Winston Blackmore of Bountiful, B.C. celebrates his 60th birthday.

Blackmore is, at the latest count, the father of no fewer than 145 children by his 27 wives, and is still fathering away at a rate of approximately one newborn Blackmore baby a month.

Surely thinking up new names as the babies keep coming must present a considerable challenge.

On behalf of a local group of concerned citizens (www.campaignagainstbountifulabuse.com), we have been pleased to celebrate Blackmore’s happy event with a useful gift: The Complete Book of Baby Names, by Leslie Bolton, which contains 100,001 names, which we trust will keep our Canadian champion procreator supplied with all the names he will need over the next few years.

Blackmore will be facing a charge of one count of polygamy before the Supreme Court of B.C. later this year and we trust that justice will prevail.

Bill Piket, White Rock



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