LETTERS: A can of worms on the highway

After it is all said and done these government entities seemly wipe their hands and walk away from the public trough.

I agree in principal with Richard Talbot (PNR letters Nov. 4) that MP Elizabeth May should attempt to appropriate a small slice of the pending federal infrastructure fund. However, the funding should be earmarked for the construction of a Beacon Avenue/highway pedestrian overpass and the completing of McTavish/ highway interchange project to upgrading its curb appeal. This unique gateway and advertising platform is the fulcrum of which all three major transportation hubs to our Island community converge, imprinting a first and lasting impression on the visitor. Not realizing the site’s potential and due maintenance is another illustration of three levels of government blindly biting off more than they can chew with tax payers’ funds to influence short term local public opinion.

After it is all said and done these government entities seemly wipe their hands and walk away from the public trough as if their work is well done.

Why build more local aesthetic infrastructure if the federal, provincial and local governments are unwilling to appropriately fund and maintain the fixed asset acquired? In short, let’s not pry open another can of worms when we are not willing to afford and commit to the one already impaled on the taxpayers’ hook

Doug Lewis, Saanichton

Peninsula News Review