LETTERS: A dangerous leader

$1.1 billion could have gone to our veterans but the money was returned to the federal government over an eight-year period.

It has recently come to light in the media that $1.1 billion could have gone to our veterans but the money was returned to the federal government over an eight-year period.

This equates to about $145 million per year that could have gone to our veterans returning from Afghanistan minus appendages, those who are dealing with post traumatic stress disorder, as well as others who have been stiffed over the past eight years when the Harper government took the reins.

As a 55-year-old retired navy Petty Officer, this makes me particularly irate because I have a friend in Okanagan Falls who is a disabled veteran. He had to fight for seven years to get his benefits and almost ended up on the streets more than once with his wife and young child because they could not make the monthly rent.

Only because of friends, relatives and a very patient and understanding landlord was this prevented.

As far as I am concerned, Stephen Harper is the most dangerous kind of leader there is; one who not only does not listen to the people, he downright ignores them. He hates veterans, scientists, seniors, and just about everything and anyone else that does not directly benefit him or his party.

Stealing from our veterans to say you “balanced the budget” and make yourself look good; the very people who signed their name on a piece of paper vowing to fight to the death to maintain the freedom of Canadians and our way of life.

I find this utterly shameful and deplorable.

Sorry, Mr. Stephen Harper, it just doesn’t get any lower than that.

Mark Billesberger

Petty Officer 2nd class (retired)




Penticton Western News