
LETTERS: A few questions that deserve answers



As we sit awaiting the serum’s arrival, perhaps it would be prudent to inquire of our elected officials three very basic questions.

1) We will soon be back to summer and the dreaded watering restrictions will come into effect. If we are so short of water for our gardens, where are we getting water from to service the thousands of apartments being built all over the Lower Mainland? Where did the various planners suddenly find the water source to service all these residences?

2) What are the various municipalities and cities in the Lower Mainland doing about the other infrastructure shortages: roads, schools, sewage, medical facilities, etc.?

3) There is a major shortage of employees to work in senior care facilities, to the point where one care home in the Fraser Valley is now recruiting family members to do menial housekeeping chores.

Perhaps we should know what the wage scale being offered is, and if is too low to entice applicants, maybe a larger wage could be offered.

Or would that take too big a bite out of the owner’s profit? By the way, who does own these various care homes, and what are the expectations by the owners of a good and sound bottom line?

To me, these basic questions are totally being overlooked by today’s media.

Perhaps a simple why should be reason for question four.

Tom Nielsen, Surrey

Peace Arch News