LETTERS: A few words on how we learn


It is reported that ESL classes are being cut as government funding falls short of demand.


It is reported that ESL classes are being cut as government funding falls short of demand.

This was my experience with ESL (English as a second language) when my parents brought me to Canada in 1928, as a five-year-old – there was none.

At age six, I was enrolled in Grade 1 in an English school without being able to speak a single word of English. After a period of six months, I was able to carry on a conversation with the other students, simply because I was surrounded all day by English children.

As for my mother, she obtained employment in a dress factory. It took her more than a year, but she picked up the language from the employees around her. We would practise with each other and had lots of laughs.

Now, I have no intention of running down the usefulness of ESL classes. They are a valuable tool in helping immigrants become part of our culture and language.

I merely wish to point out that with hard work, people find ways to overcome difficulty and feel proud of what they have accomplished.

When I look back, it seems to me that too much is expected nowadays.

M. Downey, Surrey



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