
LETTERS: ‘A lot of feet dragging’ on Marine Drive reopening



Let me get this right. Council, in its infinite wisdom, talked to the business association about having Marine Drive turned into one-way so that eight businesses could have outdoor patio space on the roadway, starting June 7, with a provision the if the provincial government opened B.C. restaurants to full capacity, it would revert to two-way.

Council said at the time that it would cost $50,000 dollars to set up and $45,000 a month rental.

Now I see it’s costing $195,000. Must be that government accounting thing.

The provincial government eased the restrictions on July 1. Council met on July 5, 12 and 19, then finally said it would go back to two-way, but the reversal would have to wait until at least Aug. 7, because the contractor could not remove the barricades before that.

I think there was a lot of feet-dragging on this issue.

If council passed a motion for Marine Drive to go back to two-way, then it should have gone back as soon as possible.

Something is fishy when they have three council meetings until they decide to do what they passed on May 10. It’s easy to govern when you only have Zoom meetings.

Michael Vailes, White Rock

Peace Arch News