The view on Vidal Street Monday will spread unless White Rock makes significant changes, writes Robert Phillips.

The view on Vidal Street Monday will spread unless White Rock makes significant changes, writes Robert Phillips.

LETTERS: A lot of parking woes on horizon


I note with interest the letters to the editor written with regard to construction-worker parking.


I note with interest the letters to the editor written with regard to construction-worker parking on the many streets surrounding Cressy Development’s Beverley on Vidal Street (Parking pains add to coffers, Sept. 23; Civic-minded patrol adds up, Sept. 28; Officers already vigilant enough, Oct. 5 ).

On behalf of many multifamily residences on Blackwood and adjacent streets, our concerns about construction-worker street parking were transmitted to the White Rock mayor and city council on Aug. 4.

Their reply was an automatic email. Shortly thereafter, the parking manager, with a page of words, replied, generally stating: sorry, there is nothing the city can do.

Being concerned for the safety of many elderly residents that health workers, caregivers, emergency services and service providers are unable to secure nearby parking – and that the bylaw officers were having a field day issuing parking violations – the problem was discussed in a meeting with MLA Gordon Hogg (Surrey-White Rock). As a previous mayor of White Rock, he was familiar with our concerns.

Hogg contacted Coun. Lynne Sinclair on our behalf, requesting her assistance. Initially, we thought we had an ally. Sinclair supported our position and indicated she would present our concerns to city officials on their return from summer vacation. After a reminder on Sept. 8, Sinclair reportedly followed up with CAO Dan Bottrill. Ignored, and still with no reply, a second reminder was transmitted to Sinclair Oct. 2. She forgot.

It is apparent our concerns have fallen on deaf ears.

Our concerns:

The City of White Rock appears to encourage highrise developments, some outside of the Official Community Plan, to increase their revenue base. In doing so, they have failed to fully consider the impact on current taxpaying residents – congested street parking, water, sewer and emergency services, traffic or public safety.

• With the Cressy development’s concrete phase nearing completion, parking on surrounding streets will be exacerbated with the influx of additional sub-trade workers, plumbers, electricians, HVAC et al.

• Many other developments – such as the Elegant, Royce Tower and Landmark Prestige – are seeking approval in this corridor. Additional highrise development construction in this and other areas will severely compound existing street parking problems.

Residents neighbouring current and future developments hereby request the City of White Rock immediately mandate developers and contractors, at their expense, to provide off-street parking and transportation for construction workers as a condition of their application approval. Other considerations, such as noise, street damage and regular street maintenance, should also be contemplated.

Without significant change to development agreements, these issues could soon be in your neighbourhood.

Robert Phillips, White Rock



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