LETTERS: A modest tower proposal


It’s great that White Rock city council is so obliging on highrise developments.


It’s great that White Rock city council is so obliging on highrise developments.

Several neighbours on Coldicutt Avenue are banding together to find a developer that they can work with to develop their residential properties. In total, the new lot will be comprised of five or six existing lots, depending on whether or not we can get John to sign on, and the plan is to construct a 20-storey tower. If this thing catches on, we might even get a good portion of the entire block, but we think that the whole block would be optimistic.

We should also add that we are willing to settle for 18 floors after much negotiation with any property owners that might lose their views – that is just good change management and we want everyone to feel good about things.

Luckily, there is lots of street parking in area. Even more luckily, White Rock doesn’t seem to have any restrictions, based on the new construction already happening in the neighbourhood, on building right to the property lines. So the new building will be able to maximize the size of the suites even though the balconies may hang over a little teeny bit.

We plan to submit the plan with the city in the next few weeks and look forward to a speedy approval by city council. And with all the new construction in the area, we don’t think the neighbours will even notice the place going up.

Just a couple of final points: before anyone objects to our proposal, we ask them to consider that this development will help towards White Rock’s legal obligation to densification and for them not to have any fundamental failures at understanding the law. Also, we’re willing to keep the western red cedar because it is healthy, but we’d need 19 floors for that.

Bruce McIntosh, White Rock



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