LETTERS: A more direct transit solution


It’s a stretch of the imagination when mayors want us to believe tram lines and more buses will ease traffic congestion.


It’s a stretch of the imagination when the local mayors want us to believe that by laying dual tram lines down the middle of our main thoroughfares and adding more buses will ease traffic congestion.

The LRT, as recommended by the Surrey mayor, has to be built up from scratch and is another change of transportation when they could extend the existing SkyTrain.

The rolling stock is already here along with all maintenance facilities, etc. and its tracks are clear of the traffic.

It is not a rapid-transit system if you have to spend time at various transfer stations awaiting your next mode of transportation.

If some of the Lower Mainland “fiefdoms” – all with their own mayors, councillors, city halls, fire dept., libraries, even police forces – were to amalgamate, the money saved could extend SkyTrain throughout the Lower Mainland with money to spare.

G. Reid, Surrey



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