LETTERS: A place to live for all ages

There is no official statement from the chamber of commerce that says that we need a waterslide to support our economy.

With regard to Jake Kimberley’s recent letter to the editor (Penticton Western News,  Aug. 19, Seniors not turning away young families) that erroneously links the Penticton & Wine Country Chamber of Commerce to anti-senior sentiment, I feel the need to reply and set the record straight.

There is no official statement from the chamber of commerce that says that we need a waterslide to support our economy and encourage young families to move here. I am not sure where Jake Kimberley is getting this quote from.

The chamber of commerce understands the value of all age groups to the local economy. As president of the chamber of commerce I have personally said in the paper that the chamber understands the balance created in the local economy by all age groups we make sure that balance is celebrated and encouraged. It is never an “either/or” proposition for myself or for the chamber.

It is easy to see that retirees and seniors who live here contribute greatly to the economy and the chamber is on record as promoting the opportunities for more retirement living here in a place where so many from across Canada and around the world want to settle.

Furthermore, the chamber has specifically said that the proposed waterslide component of the Skaha Marina improvement will not be the magic bullet that will solve all of the employment or tourism needs of the area. Rather we realistically see it as one more attraction that will make the community a more enjoyable place to visit and to live for all ages.

Jason Cox

president, Penticton & Wine Country Chamber of Commerce



Penticton Western News