Letters: A quiet majority

Response to a Dec. 19 letter on back country access by Terrance Martin

Dear Terrance Martin,

Thank you for efforts in trying to regain access to our lakes and back country. There’s no other person I can think of who has put in more time and effort to research and examine this issue. I know from Facebook and other media that your efforts have been followed, and supported by others like me.

Like me, it would be too daunting of a task taking on council. Having to attend at council meetings, letter writing, and producing to them all the documents of historical importance, this to some, is too challenging. More frankly, it’s too much to fit into our busy days.

I would hope that everyone knows this, and knows how much time away from your family it causes, but isn’t this the point? To have places close to home where we can enjoy our family and all the activities we cherish together.

Whether it be bird watching, fishing , boating, swimming, hiking, hunting, and even driving to places off the beaten path (the later referring to off the paved roads and not up the side of a hill, or through a creek as some would believe). That’s another issue as well, but not the reason for this letter.

I believe you will find solutions to this issue, and I will gladly put my support behind you when asked to do so.

Thank you again “T” for all your efforts.

Eric Ek


Sooke News Mirror