LETTERS: A show of appreciation

Letter-writers offer thanks.


I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to students and parents who placed flowers of remembrance on the graves of war veterans this Remembrance Day.

When I visited the Field of Honour at Sunnyside Cemetery in South Surrey on Remembrance Day, I was deeply moved to see a beautiful red carnation placed on the grave marker of my parents. I cannot express enough how meaningful it is to have the war service of my parents recognized by the younger generation.

I hope this tribute becomes a tradition.

Peace starts with the respect we show to one another, and with a hand that offers a single flower of remembrance in honour of those who won our freedom,

Linda Kelly, Surrey

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On Saturday, I had to go to Peace Arch Hospital with second-degree burns to my upper arm from boiling water.

With all the complaints of waits in emergency rooms, my experience reminds me that when we are in serious trouble, we get great care from our health-care professionals.

Within 10 minutes of presenting myself to the registration desk, I was triaged and seen by a nurse, given morphine for the pain and was getting treatment for my burns.

I cannot thank the nursing staff enough for their fast response and caring attitude to my situation.

We are pretty lucky, when all is considered, to have the emergency care we have available to us.

Eileen Moylan Woo, White Rock



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