LETTERS: A thank you note

Thanks to you five (or six?) young men in dark jackets for your random act of kindness.

At noon on Tuesday, March 17 at the intersection of Power Street and Eckhardt Avenue my vehicle stalled at a red light.

Fed up with the company of my dysfunctional car, my 94-year-old passenger exited, secured his walker from the back and left safely in the sidewalk on the right as cars passed on the left. After the light changed from green to red to green again five slim, under 40, men in dark jackets, initiative and jeans pushed me and my vehicle through a green light to End of Roll Carpet store and vanished like Aladdin.

A magic carpet of thanks to you five (or six?) young men in dark jackets for your random act of kindness. And,  thank you too, to the folks from End of Roll Carpet Store for tolerating my situation when anxiety, luck and I eventually exited in cloud of gray-black smoke.

David B. J. Snyder




Penticton Western News