Letters: Access being denied

Access to park through Harbourside still on agenda

The second council vote ordering the mayor and staff to do something about Harbourview Road access to the provincial park appears to have forced a reply from the mayor to my direct inquiry, and apparently the letter to the editor last week helped get me a response from him, although I didn’t get a response to how his position is in the interests of Sooke. It took over three months for staff under his direction to thoroughly confirm what the CRD has repeatedly said since 2001, but evidently the latest consultation with the CRD did not produce a sufficiently clear “no” to satisfy the mayor.

In opposition to the intent of the council direction, the mayor emailed me that yet another letter has been sent to the CRD Parks committee to inquire what the CRD position actually is (as if the CRD Master Plan isn’t quite sure about it), and he dictates nothing further will be done and no further discussion will be had with anyone until an answer is received by his worthiness.

My respectful suggestion, in due deference to his authority, that a letter be sent to the province, since it is the province that is that actual authority in the matter, was refused. Review of the video shows the mayor voted in favour of the motion, so it appears he would like to say one thing in public and do the exact opposite in private.

Here is my next public question to the mayor: Will you please set aside your allegiance, duty, and obligation to the CRD, in favour of the interests of the ratepayers, voters, and residents of the District of Sooke, and do what you have been told to do by council?

In case there’s any confusion about what that is, would you please get a key for the gate and a permit to use the road for us?

Terrance Martin


Sooke News Mirror