LETTERS: ‘Activist’ label too extreme


Re: Multiple hurdles hold back added coal trains, April 8.


Re: Multiple hurdles hold back added coal trains, April 8.

I appreciate your coverage of the project to increase rail shipments of U.S. thermal coal and expand the Fraser Surrey Docks coal port.

However, I do take issue with your use of the term “climate-change activists” to describe opponents. Such labelling suggests they are extremists who should not serve as a measure of public opinion. It would be more accurate to say that opponents of the project are people who take seriously what is being said by over 95 per cent of the world’s climate scientists, every national academy of science and every major scientific society – that pollution from fossil-fuel use is changing the earth’s climate and threatening the survival of life!

Is science, then, “climate-change activism”?

The Government of Canada seems to think so, though Canadian premiers are now meeting in Quebec City to discuss the role provinces can play in limiting carbon emissions.

David Anson, White Rock



Peace Arch News