Letters: Agree with Fletcher

Letter writer tired of one-sided stance on Prime Minister

I couldn’t agree more with Tom Fletcher in Another View, “Harper rapped for wrong reasons.”

We have good government in this country and a very capable Prime Minister. I, for one, am tired of the one-sided viewpoint and news coverage we hear and see in the media day after day. It was very telling when Stephen Harper, without fanfare, pulled off the biggest trade agreement in Canadian history, with almost no news coverage at all. And what was reported? An interview with an opposition spokesmen who complained that the Prime Minister should have been in Question Period to address their charges regarding the Senate.

I watched the Prime Minister’s speech to the Israeli Knesset, very balanced, which was met with many ovations and standing ovations. He had just come from a one-and- a-half hour meeting in Ramallah with the Palestinian leadership where he had given foreign aid dollars, in support of a two state solution. None of that was reported. What was reported and emphasized on the news was the two angry members of the Knesset, who disagreed with part of what was said in the speech.

The Canadian people deserve to see and hear objective coverage of the facts in the news media not some politically motivated spin meant only to mislead, influence and many times to infuriate.

C. Thomson


Sooke News Mirror