LETTERS: An appetizing principle

Re: ‘Pastafarian’ battles ICBC, Aug. 19. If all religions adopted this principle, it might be a better world.


Re: ‘Pastafarian’ battles ICBC, Aug. 19.

I am not Pastafarian, for as a gluten-free celiac I cannot eat most pasta, but I am attracted to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster because it espouses genuine religious freedom.

Nowhere in its doctrine does it talk of forcing people to wear strainers on their head, get down on their knees, cut themselves genitally, shun heretical family members, condemn homosexuals, ostracize apostates or believe in ancient fables.

Obi Canuel may be an ordained minister of this oddly named church, but I do not believe he seeks followers, unlike Tanchelm of Antwerp who, in the 12th century, asked followers to drink his bathwater.

Minister Canuel has no manual. Members of his church are free to be as they choose. If all religions adopted this principle, it might be a better world.

Jim McMurtry, Surrey



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