Letters: Angry over new dog leash rule

We are responsible dog owners and our dog is a good girl and is not aggressive.

Editor, The News:

I am writing in regards to the bylaw amendment on retractable leashes.

My husband and I are responsible dog owners and our dog is a good girl and is not aggressive toward other dogs or people.

We walk her on a retractable leash and it is extended only when there are no other dogs or people around.

As soon as there are, we pull the leash in. That way, we can protect her from other aggressive dogs.

It’s so simple.

I must agree with Cheryl Popeniuk, this present council (yes, I am blaming all of them) did not take everyone into consideration when they passed this bylaw amendment.

It is unfairly punitive to good dogs and responsible dog owners over a single incident.

What’s next? Ban dogs from Pitt Meadows altogether?  Stop stores from selling retractable leashes?

I can assure you that, unless this amendment is overturned, that not a single incumbent in the upcoming municipal election will be receiving my vote and I suggest that all other dog owners who feel the same way I do, follow suit.

We have to take a stand.

We pay taxes too and we deserve equal rights.

Julie Bennett

Maple Ridge


Maple Ridge News