City of White Rock’s recent decision to enforce its ban on crabbing from the main pier riles letter-writer Ron Eves.

City of White Rock’s recent decision to enforce its ban on crabbing from the main pier riles letter-writer Ron Eves.

LETTERS: Another attraction gets the hook


Re: White Rock clamps down on pier crabbers, Oct. 26.


Re: White Rock clamps down on pier crabbers, Oct. 26.

Strip casting, crabbing and the like are allowed in the likes of most other B.C. cities, Washington, Oregon and California.

(Visit and

Over the decades at the Crescent Swim Club’s Bull Head Derby in July and August at their pier, there have been no reported serious injuries.

I am surmising that special-interest groups now own the White Rock pier rather than the general public. The vessels moored at the “club” at the end of the White Rock pier seldom come and go. Who can honestly afford the price per plate for some of these social fundraisers that have appeared in recent years, versus taking their child to fish or crab off the White Rock pier?

A fishing line or crab line is not truly an argument for such heavy-handed signage without a bylaw in place.

The signage arrows point both south and north, and the north arrow seems to point into infinity and does not identify a specific zone. By comparison, clearly marked signage in the City of White Rock and Surrey of a ‘no stopping’ zone for a motor vehicle operator is clearly enforceable.

This is truly the thin edge of the wedge, no different than the “Hump” issue again, hidden from view of both citizens and voters of White Rock until it happened (Bluff clearcut catches many off guard, May 13, 2015).

This will once again have a negative effect on small business along the Marine Drive corridor.

I would like to see the supporting stats and or civil actions to support this decision as to no fishing and crabbing.

Most of the recent-hire staff and department heads, since 2010, by the City of White Rock do not reside in the place they work. Most, as well, have no experience as to owning or running a business, let alone on the very fragile Marine Drive in White Rock, when you review their Linkedin profiles. Pick a name and do the search, and the same theme emerges.

So take away another tourist activity on our pier, and let’s see the results.

Ron Eves, White Rock



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