Letters: Another insult to teachers

What other group of working adults would be expected to accept the kind of abuse this government has been heaping on teachers, reader asks.

While we had been hoping that the news about Mr. Ready’s willingness to mediate a settlement for teachers meant that we’d be back in schools soon, all such hope was dashed when we learned about BCPSEA’s latest letter to our union.

They confirmed that we are locked out, but that we are free to volunteer our time to set up our classrooms and to prepare for the new school year.

What other group of working adults would be expected to accept the kind of abuse that this government has been heaping on teachers?

I really hope that if the only good thing that comes out of this latest action by BCPSEA is that it will lay to rest the false analogy of the BCTF and the government being like divorcing parents. That analogy can only be valid if one spouse has beaten the other and then expects them to get up off the floor and prepare dinner.


A. Lawson

Chilliwack Progress