DC Krew Hair Company owners Sandra Davies and Madi Clark say that am anonyous spray painter should have talked to them face to face about their mask policy - instead of defacing the front of their Foster Street business. (Contributed photo)

LETTERS: Appalling behaviour exhibited in two acts of vandalism



Two organizations in this community have recently been vandalized for trying to contribute to the common good, in their own particular ways. DC Krew Hair Company, a White Rock hair salon, had “Mask Nazis” spray painted on to their windows for asking clients to wear masks.

We both get our hair cut at DC Krew and are very thankful for how proactive and safety-conscious the owners and staff have been, and unfailingly kind and courteous. It has made us feel secure and appropriately cared for during these challenging times. Moreover, even at the height of the pandemic, despite worries about their own survival, the owners took part in various initiatives to help out the larger community.

The A Rocha Brooksdale Environmental Centre was recently the victim of arson and vandalism. It appears that this was the result of their advocacy work related to the South Campbell Heights Plan. Engaging in the process established by the municipality, the centre has worked with other community partners and individuals to advocate against changing the land designation near the Little Campbell River from “rural agriculture” to “employment,” meaning for industrial use.

Centre staff and volunteers have done biorestoration work in the area for the last couple of decades and want to protect the river for at risk species such as salmon, as well as protect the integrity of the water which drains into Semiahmoo Bay. The staff and board have to be highly commended for their commitment to sustainable agriculture, conservation science and education even though they have struggled to survive and continue their work during the pandemic.

We both believe in the policies these two organizations are supporting. However, our main point in writing is not to state support for policies, but to emphatically state that none of us has the right to show our disagreement in such destructive ways.

We are facing huge issues here in BC, and around the world. This challenges us to be engaged citizens who exchange diverse views and ideas with respect so that we can find creative, collaborative and long-term solutions.

Linda Rubuliak and Deb Riopel, White Rock

Peace Arch News