LETTERS: Appreciative responses

Two letter writers say thank you.


Something positive! A group of us oldies had a reunion luncheon at the Cheshire Cheese restaurant on Dunbar Street. When it came time to settle the bill, the waitress informed us that it was covered.

An unknown gentleman had paid for our luncheon and left. Further, he gave her a 20 per cent tip.

I’ve heard of these events, but had come to believe they were pure fictionalized Hollywood.

We tried to trace this gentleman to express our gratitude, but failed. There was no name on the imprint of his credit card.

Yes, there are still some good Samaritans! May I – on behalf of the 12 of us – express our appreciation to whoever and wherever you are!

Brendan Hopwood, Surrey

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An open letter to Peace Arch Hospital.

I have recently returned home after an eight-day visit to the Peace Arch Hospital.

While there I was treated with the greatest care and consideration.

Your staff shift system allowed me to come in contact with many individuals all of whom, without exception, were pleasant and able.

Your kitchen provided meals of excellent quality and variety. Unfortunately my appetite was low so I couldn’t enjoy the meals as much as they should have been enjoyed.

On leaving, I was very impressed with the integrated follow-up for your departing guests.

All in all, I got the care that I needed and I am now back at home.

Calvin J. Whitehead, Surrey



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