Letters: Ballot answers obvious

Sooke already has a multi-use structure, no need for another

Do our councillors think we’re stupid?

On November 15, we’re supposed to vote “yes” on whether we “Support the District… to develop a multi-use community centre facility.” (Sooke News Mirror, Sept. 24, 2014) – with no mention of the $1.5 million it will cost.

Also, if our councillors would come down from their exalted offices overlooking the defunct golf course, they might notice that one such multi-use structure already exists — on the corner across from the Legion and and Mom’s Cafe.

So what is behind the useless extravaganza? Judging from a long list of complaints and wishful thinking in recent years, I suspect it is because some of our senior citizens (of which I’m one, by the way) have been demanding a place of their own to meet, snack and play bingo. I have long wondered why the spacious basement and ample kitchen facility would not be suitable, even if the space was occasionally shared, in our existing community hall.

I think a “no” vote to question  #1 should be obvious: why spend money on something we already have.

As to question #2 about opposing an expansion of tanker traffic: why not vote “yes” even though it will surely be ignored by our current levels of senior government.

Dick Momsen


Sooke News Mirror