Letters: Bargain at local level

Letter writer responds to union call for mediator in employee contract

In response to Mr. Davies of CUPE Local 374. He talks of the region’s 13 municipalities as a common bargaining front and that this should be the determining factor in the Sooke employees contract.

I beg to differ, first, the Sooke employees do not work for a branch office of Municipalities Inc. but rather, the District of Sooke and its citizens (taxpayers).

It is, therefore, logical that all bargaining is at the local level. There is very little similarity in any respect, between Sooke and most, if not all the other municipalities. As it is only the local taxpayers that fund the district, it is those citizens who will determine what they are able and willing to pay.

Instead of comparing pay and benefits to other municipalities, which is always convenient, maybe its time to make the comparison between local Government and the citizens which they govern. The comparison between the public and private sector employees pay and benefits, would I think, ensure a more realistic perspective.

Lorne Chistensen




Sooke News Mirror