Letters: Be bear aware

Residents should be aware that the bears are out of hibernation

Bear season is already upon us. Don’t leave food out for the bears. Put garbage cans out for pick up in the morning. not overnight. Keep garbage in locked sheds or garage. Keep yard clear of fruit.

I am concerned about garbage containers in Sooke centre by bus stops. Don’t put food into the garbage. Make children aware of bears. If a bear gets into garbage, call the conservation officer as once a bear eats human food, the house looks inviting so keep doors closed.

We were told before that Sooke has more bears than Whistler. We need to know if the numbers are too high as the food source is limited and thereby endangers humans. There is not much for food out there now, no berries or fish.

Be bear aware and let your neighbours know when bears are in the area. We have lived here for 26 years and have noticed a significant increase in bears. They are now living in every neighbourhood.

Ellen Lewers



Sooke News Mirror