Letters: Better road planning needed

The real issue is how on earth did the governments of the day allow such large developments to proceed with so little access and egress

Re: Promontory congestion concern, Chilliwack Progress letters, May 13.)

My heart aches for the poor individual who chose to live in the fabulous Promontory area of greater Chilliwack and is now finding access in and out to be a problem. Imagine, only two roads in and out for 10,000 souls! And now you want my help to build you more roads! The problem for me, however, is where do I stop helping build these access roads?

Don’t forget all those people who live south of the Cultus Lake/Yarrow turnoff who only have one way in and out. The many homes up on Little Mountain have only one way in and out too. And what about the new Midtown development on Yale; I see lots of people coming to that area and presently there’s only one way in and out. Maybe this time our leaders and governments can avoid the same mistake that all the poor souls up Promontory are burdened with.

Come on, the real issue here is not how many ways you can get to work or back home. You knew what you were buying at the time you bought. Why didn’t you think then that danger was afoot?

No, the real issue is how on earth did the governments of the day allow such large developments to proceed with so little access and egress? In my mind those government bodies performed irresponsibly and that shouldn’t go unnoticed. Prest Road, even with the fancy roundabouts is a traffic disaster most of the day. Lickman Road and the freeway border on dangerous, I think. Who’s in control of this stuff? I think it’s someone my taxes go towards paying, and that disturbs me when the value I receive is so poorly thought through.

And on another matter, I sure would have liked to see some leadership from our Mayor and Council on the recent mad events that blackened our city. Instead of wearing the proper shoes for lawn bowling, how about some reassurance from the top that, “Things are okay, Chilliwack is still a great place to live, and we will get through these trying times.” She’s certainly no Giuliani when it comes to reassuring her citizenry.

Ron Spence

Chilliwack Progress