LETTERS: Beyond the terrorist label

Re: Preserving our freedom from within, Oct. 30 column

Re: Preserving our freedom from within, Oct. 30 column

Columnist Andrew Holota merely reiterates what has already been decided by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and apparently the RCMP.

He lends no credence to the distinct probability that the two perpetrators were mentally deranged; after all, a common theme in psychotic delusion is religion. The McNaughton Rules on criminal responsibility date from 1843. Notwithstanding both assailants are dead.

Holota omits to mention that the government policy of ‘responsibility to protect’ as applied in Libya was in violation of international law, the Geneva Accords and the UN Charter… Little wonder Mr. Harper feels there is no need to look for “root causes.” Ergo what came first the chicken or the egg?

Dr. Brian McCombie, Surrey



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