LETTERS: Bible cannot be changed due to passage of time

LETTERS: Bible cannot be changed due to passage of time



Re: Archaic thinking, letters, April 12.

Father Dion of the Star of the Sea Parish has clearly articulated the stance of the Catholic Church, so I would like to refer to (letter writer) Paul Dukes’ definitions of archaic and hypocrisy.

The epitome of hypocrisy is demanding the right to live and believe as one chooses but, in the same breath, deny that right to another.

True Christians follow the teachings of the Bible and only pseudo-Christians pick and choose those parts they will follow and those which they ignore.

Some man-made churches have even removed numerous books of the Bible because they didn’t like what they said.

The Bible cannot be changed due to passage of time or personal wants or beliefs of individuals. One cannot follow it partially and claim to be a Christian.

The Bible clearly states that man shall not lie with man as with woman and I doubt anyone misunderstands the meaning. For the Catholic Church or any church to condone the gay lifestyle would be hypocrisy. Taking part in or allowing it to be involved in a Christian facility would endorse that hypocrisy.

However, what many forget or ignore is that the Bible clearly also teaches that man shall not judge, as that prerogative belongs strictly to God.

We do not deny our friendship to those who break the Commandments, nor can we do so to other people who fall into a lifestyle other than ours.

Disagreeing with the lifestyle, as I disagree with other lifestyles that do not fall into the precepts of the Bible, in no way prevents me from loving the person.

I am not the one to judge. Each one, willingly or not, believing or not, will answer to God alone.

Helen Friesen, Surrey

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