LETTERS: Bigger issues than warming


Re: Quest of a columnist, Sept. 14 letters.


Re: Quest of a columnist, Sept. 14 letters.

Letter-writer Bill McConnell expresses a very popular view about climate change, and quotes U.S. President Barack Obama about its challenges.

First, many geologists of my aquaintance tell me that not only was the Lower Mainland under a kilometre of ice 10,000 years ago, but that there have been 11 ice ages over the last 250 million years, so climate change at some rate seems to be cyclical.

Second, Obama also apparently stated that there was a red line in the sand with respect to Assad, Syria and chemical weapons, which he apparently changed his mind on, and – at the risk of offending most people more intelligent than I – stated that there has never been a more qualified presidential candidate in the history of the U.S. than Hillary Clinton. Had he stuck to 2016, he may have had a point.

I would be inclined to argue that inaccessibility to fresh water and air pollution in many countries is a greater challenge than global warming.

Hopefully, individuals and businesses will focus on those areas in the next couple of decades and influence the governments to follow suit.

Bob Holden, White Rock



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