LETTERS: Boonstock not a disaster

Penticton Western News letters to the editor for the Aug. 8, 2014 issue.

When I first heard about Boonstock I was critical with all the bad news about security and the liquor licence, but how can I judge without checking it out myself.

I went Sunday. First I have to say I am very saddened to hear about the death of a 24-year-old woman. My condolences to her family and friends.

Councillor Katie Robinson said the festival was a disaster, I have to disagree with that. The festival does need some corrections and fine tuning like better security and more access to free water, but it was not a disaster. The Israel Palestine war, the Ebola outbreak and the spill of the dam that is poisoning the water is a disaster. I didn’t see any people fighting or causing trouble in general. The atmosphere seemed very peaceful and happy, I thought people were mostly well-behaved. There was no vandalism.

The drug overdoses are very unfortunate, but people make their own choices, a festival is not the only place to get drugs so don’t just blame the festival.

We need the boost in our tourism sector and in our economy in general that Boonstock can provide for us. Maybe people will check out our town and decide on a separate return trip to Penticton.

I was pleased to see water being handed out, but more water for free would have been even better. The dust was relentless but you just had to wear a mask or bandana.

Fact is that Penticton has many festivals that are geared towards families and seniors, which is great, but we need something for the younger generation too. Boonstock can fill that gap for us and I really think in the future this festival can be very good for Penticton. I appreciate the arts and culture that Boonstock provides. The music was awesome and the people watching was great. I say give Boonstock a chance and hopefully they can manage to improve what needs improvement for next year.

I hope Boonstock sticks around, it has potential for greatness.

Annemarie Krenger


Councillor apologizes

I would like to take the opportunity to apologize for a statement I made at the end of (Tuesday’s) council meeting.

As concerned as I am about public safety, the comment about Boonstock attendees was made without sufficient consideration for all the people who attended.

I recognize that there are many enthusiasts of all ages from the community and visitors alike who participated in the festival, enjoyed the event and were positive, peaceful and here to experience live music. The comments were out of character for me, and it was not my intention to offend all those who attended the festival.

Katie Robinson,

Councillor, City of Penticton


Head-banging druggies

My granddaughter and her friends attended the Boonstock Festival.

They had 30 friends from around the province and Alberta join them at the event.  They spent $250 to $400 for their tickets and a great deal more in downtown Penticton.  She and her friends are residents of Penticton and work in our city.

From what they told me they all had a great time. Yes they drank, but none of them did drugs.

I am appalled that a councillor called them “head-banging druggies.” Even more that the mayor and or councillors did not challenge her slander of our young residents. They work here and pay taxes here, they are citizens of Penticton and their friends are guests of Penticton. I voted for this lady but am extremely disappointed in her remarks that were and are directed at my granddaughter and the young people of our community.

They are not “head-banging druggies.”  Please resign.

Bob Otway


Noise level off the charts

I have never written a letter to a newspaper, but after Friday night we wish to let you know our opinion of Boonstock.

We have lived here for over 35 years and moved to get away from the rat race in Vancouver and Edmonton.

Friday night we could not sleep due to the boom boom bass coming from Boomstock.

We live  eight miles south of the airport. Yes noise carries  off the lake, but this boom boom bass was the worst noise ever.

Are we seniors? Yes, but we enjoy young folks also. Just not their rap music.

Our children went to Pen High. We have grandkids who come to town and we like them to enjoy it here, but feel  something like Boomstock should not be close to any town.

The Penticton Indian Band have done an injustice to their elders and all seniors in the area to allow this to take place here but I guess it’s all about the money.

So sad to hear of the death of the young lady from Alberta and the others who went to hospital, plus the security guys allegedly attempting to steal from  our local store. Just lucky no riot. No wonder Alberta got rid  of Boonstock. We should do the Same.

Joyce Zak

Okanagan Falls

Boonstock 2014?

Do you know, and will you please tell the public, what will be the cost to taxpayers and who will pay, and when, the cost of having Boonstock 2014 here?

Hannah Hyland




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