Letters: Bridge tolls add up to a lot

I’m very fortunate that my employer pays for my tolls.

Editor, The News:

Re: Pay up Golden ears tolls (Letters, Feb. 6).

Obviously, Kathy McMeeking has a lot of money and no kids.

I’m very fortunate that my employer pays for my tolls. But if not, that would add an additional $1,500-$1,700 a year to my bills. This is greater than my Hydro for the year, or my ICBC insurance or my Fortis gas bill.

Now, if you have kids on top of that, you start to wonder how you can do activities, buy new clothes, provide shelter for them and feed them.

It is easier to criticize others when you’re not in their situation and I can understand that a lot of these people can’t afford tolls, but have to work where the roadway is tolled to provide for their household.

I know there are others who do take advantage of the system and ruin it for the masses, but punishing those who have a hard time feeding their family by taking their ability to insure their vehicle is wrong.

Does anyone wonder where the carbon tax that you pay for on fuel goes?

Jeremy Dagg

Maple Ridge


Maple Ridge News