LETTERS: Bring on the fashion police


On a recent trip to Paris, France, I was shocked to see so many people jaywalking across busy streets.


On a recent trip to Paris, France, I was shocked to see so many people jaywalking across busy streets.

There were almost as many jaywalkers there as there are here in White Rock!

But what amazed and delighted me – and apparently Parisians – was that the jaywalkers were always beautifully dressed. I say that this delighted the Parisians because the jaywalkers were allowed to cross safely even across the death-defying 10 lanes of the Champs Elysees.

Our own jaywalkers could learn a lot from the stylish Parisians. Dress nicely. Cross fashionably. Break the law with flair.

If our traffic police are powerless to control the jaywalkers – as they appear to be – perhaps we could have some fashion police to improve the view if nothing else.

Janice Routledge, White Rock



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