Letters: Broken glass no way to stop cars

Reader objects to nails and broken fluorescent lamps used to deter drifting at former Cultus Lake go-cart track.

In the last couple of weeks there have been several young people using the previous Cultus Lake go-cart track as a meeting place with their cars.

Drifting is a fairly new sport that can be done on a race track but unlike oval track racing the sport is more about a driving technique where there is a controlled slide on corners. The young people that have been using this track at Cultus have asked and received permission to do so. My son enjoys this sport and has had the opportunity to take part in an event at Kent Raceway. It is unfortunate because though he drives very responsibly on the road he will often get stopped by the RCMP based on the appearance of his car. He and many of his friends who also enjoy the sport of drifting are responsible, hardworking, respectful members of the community.

Unfortunately,someone who is opposed to the activity at the previous go-cart track at Cultus Lake has decided it would be a mature thing to do when placing hundreds of nails and broken fluorescent lamps on the track. If this is a way of trying to communicate disapproval, it was not well thought out. The fluorescent lamps broken and on the track contain mercury which is very toxic for the environment. It only takes a single gram of mercury to contaminate a two acre pond. I am ashamed to say that I believe that an adult is most likely responsible for placing the broken lamps and nails all over the track!

Whoever did this should have thought of a more mature way to express their complaints or concerns. I work for the school system and am proud to be an advocate for our young people when they act responsibly. Sometimes, it is the older adults that I question.

Joy Bax

Chilliwack Progress