There’s still time for residents to tour their own backyard and get a better understanding of life on the waterfront.

There’s still time for residents to tour their own backyard and get a better understanding of life on the waterfront.

LETTERS: Building a better appreciation


Today, at the 1,001 Steps access point, we took advantage of the guided interpretive tour led by two young women.


Today, at the 1,001 Steps access point, we took advantage of the guided interpretive tour led by two young women sponsored by the Friends of Semiahmoo Bay Society and funded by Young Canada Works.

It was a very interesting, hands-on hour-and-a-half.

Even for those of us who have spent some time around the ocean, the introductions to flora and fauna of which we were not previously aware was wonderful.

We also learned how to be gentle with the environment as we explored. Each time we return to the beach areas now, we will do so with a greater appreciation.

It is sad that only three of us – in our 60s and older – took advantage of this outing. There are more such outings scheduled this month (check the calendar at and we would certainly recommend taking advantage of these offerings for folks who are able to do so.

Don & Connie Chapman, Surrey



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