Letter-writer Zi Paris questions whether Crime Stoppers ad is propaganda or insensitive in wake of nearby tragedy.

Letter-writer Zi Paris questions whether Crime Stoppers ad is propaganda or insensitive in wake of nearby tragedy.

LETTERS: Bus-stop sign not propaganda

Re: Wrong message, wrong location, Jan. 20.


Re: Wrong message, wrong location, Jan. 20.

Zi Paris should do his/her research before making conspiracy-esque accusations.

The bus-stop poster advertising home safety is by Crime Stoppers, and the local RCMP detachment has nothing to do with it.

This is not evidence of the RCMP spreading “propaganda” in order to defend the shooting of Hudson Brooks. I don’t know what happened in the Brooks situation, but I do know many police officers and none of them like using their firearm. Those I know who have used it, did it only in an extreme circumstance and were traumatized long afterwards, so let’s wait to hear what happened before passing judgment (and I hope they do share that information soon – it has been a long time, and the family deserves to know).

The idea that this sign is “propaganda” is patently ridiculous, to the point of just being silly. There are certainly problems with home invasions in White Rock and South Surrey, regardless of whether Zi Paris has heard of them.

The placement of the sign has nothing to do with Hudson Brooks; the signs are all over the Lower Mainland.

Noelle Phillips, Surrey



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