LETTERS: By the people, for the people

Letter writers discuss community involvement at election time.


Re: Other parties parachute, too, April 26 letters.

To letter-writer Joe Sawchuk, my point in my initial letter (Voters must regain control, April 19) was the executives of political parties have taken the nomination process out of the electorate’s hands.

It used to be a key piece of the democratic process where communities decided who might best represent their party in the election.

Now, it appears others decide, federally and provincially.

It is at our peril not to invest the energy and time to regain control over the nomination process. Perhaps it is part our ‘let others do it’ society.

Don’t be annoyed. Be angry enough to ask questions.

Lorraine Hand, White Rock

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Re: PAN online question of the week, March 31-April 6.

Not only did I vote ‘yes’ to your question of the week – “Should B.C. ban corporate and trade-union donations to political parties and candidates?” – I also sent the following letter to Premier Christy Clark:

“I don’t want my government determining health policy based on the size of donations to the governing party from Big Pharma, Big Pot, Big Alcohol, or Big Tobacco, establishing environmental programs based on the size of donations from the oil industry or fish farmers, or deciding taxation and social safety net strategy based on the size of donations from only the wealthiest citizens.

“Donations to political parties must be limited to $100 per person, and completely prohibited from corporations and unions in order for true democracy to be established and maintained.”

Jerry Steinberg, Surrey

Peace Arch News