LETTERS: Bylaws must protect homes


I moved here in 1986 and built a rancher on 20 Avenue.


I moved here in 1986 and built a rancher on 20 Avenue.

At that time, there was a huge sign on the corner at 140 Street indicating the area, including 19A and surrounding streets, as senior-orientated.

A year later, when Bayridge Elementary, was built I learned that the signage was misleading and that at least 10 per cent of the population didn’t have to be drawing a pension.

For the most part, the area’s housing were ranchers – prime real estate for folks downsizing but not wanting to go into condos with all the problems of strata.

Now, the area is approximately 30 years old and in that time a number of these homes have been updated. The yards are also well kept.

Recently, a number of these ranchers have been bought and destroyed only to be replaced by mega-homes that have overshadowed their neighbours and eliminated any trees/gardens etc.

Are there no bylaws protecting residential areas from being destroyed? A number of these tear-downs have been recently updated, now those fixtures are in our landfills.

It’s about time Surrey council took a stand against developers/agents who are out to destroy neighbourhoods, and introduce bylaws to protect properties rather than allowing the construction of mega-houses that not only blocks out light from neighbours but eliminates any privacy they now enjoy.

D. Walmsley, Surrey



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