LETTERS: Canine views frustrate


Re: Two views on dogs at the beach, April 10 letters; Curb dog owners who don’t obey, April 2 letters.


Re: Two views on dogs at the beach, April 10 letters.

One of the pleasures of moving to White Rock has been not having to dodge “friendly” dogs or their leavings at the beach.

Unlike letter-writer April Kelly, many of us do not consider dogs as “part of the family.” Family members are not usually allowed to run up to strangers and lick them, leave muddy paw prints on clothing or take a “friendly” bite.

Family members are not allowed to use public spaces as toilets. Perhaps if ‘responsible’ dog owners cleaned up the mess left by ‘the few irresponsible’ owners, I might feel more kindly, but I have yet to see that happen. What I often encounter are plasticized feces, undoubtedly bagged while someone was watching and then discarded moments later.

I favour raising the fines rather than the coliform count.

I’m glad Kelly knows of places that welcome her pet. White Rock waterfront is not among them.

Susan Lindenberger, White Rock

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Full disclosure… I really like dogs.  Their owners… not so much.

Like the parents who let toddlers run rampant in restaurants – because they are so cute and who could possibly object – dog owners need to realize they are not the only occupants of the planet.

Dogs, much as we may love them, don’t understand that some people are afraid of them. It isn’t enough to say “it’s OK he/she is friendly.” They are unpredictable, and the owner must accept that responsibility.

The answer to this ongoing conflict? I don’t know, but maybe you could go to the shelter and get a spayed or neutered cat. Contrary to popular opinion, cats are just as lovable and loving as dogs, and they have more civilized toilet habits.

Katherine Booth, Surrey

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Re: Curb dog owners who don’t obey, April 2 letters.

Letter-writer Lynne Spence’s observation is a little off. The dog owners are in the parks day in and day out, rain or shine, every day of the year, because the mental and physical health of their animals is important to them. For six months of the year, you see very few people other than dog owners in the parks.

There are far more assaults by people than there are by dogs, and yet a few members of our society seem to feel that everyone should be painted with the same brush and be forced to abide by a draconian bylaw.

Are leash laws really about public safety, or an easy revenue source?

If dogs are running across picnic tables, playing fields or being aggressive, by all means enforce the bylaw. If they are on a path being curious and ignoring passersby, why should they be on a leash?

Can we stop living in a nanny state and try to get along?

I’m sorry if Ms. Spence has had a negative encounter.

Dogs are not perfect; then, neither are people, and our society lets some very scary people roam free.

Chris Hale, Surrey



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