Letters: Car wash is a recipe for disaster

Shirley resident objects to the location of a proposed car wash in Sooke

Dear Mayor Milne and council,

Putting a car wash in the lane behind Village Foods is a recipe for disaster.

The department of highways has said the proposal to put a car wash in the land behind Village Foods will have no impact on traffic patterns in the area. However, this ruling is a little more than a rubber stamp. The bureaucrats at highways are only concerned with the main road, and have likely gathered little information on the unsafe traffic patterns behind Village Foods.

Have they ever tried to drive or walk in the lane when there are transport trucks vying for a spot at the loading dock? Have they seen the frustrated motorists attempting to avoid the left turn they would otherwise have to take to go west of Sooke?

Without the car wash, JCB Holdings, which owns Village Foods, has plenty of room to solve the traffic problems that exists and make the property safe for those attempting to walk in the area. With a car wash, the problems will be compounded.

I hope you have the wisdom to turn down this proposal.

I have seen on a number of times up to five trucks, engines running, parked in the fire lane and garbage trucks trying to dump garbage, with cars coming out of McDonalds.

Ray Cray


Sooke News Mirror