LETTERS: Charter protects innocent

The charter was created to protect the rights of law-abiding citizens and to protect their freedoms.

(Re: Be Afraid in the letters to the editor, Western News, March 6).The charter was created to protect the rights of law-abiding citizens and to protect their freedoms. The intent was excellent but the result has been a disaster.

The charter has done very little for the law-abiding citizens and has become the most effective tool ever for the criminal element. It had tied the hands of the police behind their back in their efforts to maintain law and order and the courts are letting criminals go free because of idiotic things like the persons privacy was violated or the authorities didn’t have a court order to monitor a suspected terrorists’ activities, etc.

The courts protect the Charter Rights of the criminal – having committed a criminal act doesn’t matter anymore to the courts.

The average law-abiding citizen has rights under the Charter and those rights include being protected from the criminals and terrorists and a person should not have to be placed in a position where they have been a victim of a criminal act only to see the courts release them to do the same thing to another person because the criminals’ Charter Rights weren’t adhered to.

Charter Rights should be null and void when a person commits a crime. The Charter was never meant to be a tool to protect criminals and terrorists.

The Harper government tough on crime stance took more courage to enact than previous governments had or dared to have because of the automatic backlash from the bleeding hearts elements of today’s culture.

Mr. Billesberger stated. “The only people who will vote Conservative this fall will be the extremely stupid, the extremely wealthy, the apathetic and the politically blind.” This description more adequately applies to the people that don’t vote Conservative.

Dan Tymchuk

Okanagan Falls



Penticton Western News