LETTERS: Children are the future of society

The shooting in Quebec City is another example of ‘the ailment’ that plagues the world.


The shooting in Quebec City is another example of ‘the ailment’ that plagues the world.

A symptom of how people feel about themselves, and how they feel towards others.

If we, as a collective, are to achieve the ultimate goal of world peace, the children are the tool to that future.

A child who learns to work collectively learns to work co-operatively.

A child who learns to work individually learns leadership. A child who learns peacemaking, peace keeping and conflict resolution has the skills to maintain long-term relationships. A child who is exposed to different cultures has knowledge, acceptance of others and is unified as a human being.

A child who learns to respect, to care has compassion for all life. A child who loves.

Collectively, on a global level, we can become the ‘divine intervention’ by teaching the children the skills to achieve the ultimate goal of peace on Earth.

The child creates the family — a universal family.

Ellen Nevalainen

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune