
LETTERS: Church’s ‘hard line’ against homosexuality questioned



Re: “Humanist Association joins as intervenor in White Rock Pride complaint against church,” Feb. 11

The issue appears to be that the BC Human Rights Tribunal is supporting “in part” the White Rock Pride Society’s complaint against the Star of the Sea Parish to not rent out their hall on the basis of sexual orientation.

A spokesman for the Roman Catholic church stated that renting to the Pride Society, “Would be contrary to the teachings of (their) faith and morals.”

I suspect that the issue is complicated, including understanding the legalese:

“The scope of the BCHA submission is limited to the parameters of freedom of religion when offering services to the public.”

If private citizens, by law, are not allowed to discriminate in renting their property on the basis of race, religion and sexual orientation, why is the church permitted to do so? Additionally, the Canadian Human Rights Commission has ruled that it is unlawful to be prejudiced against LBGTQ people.

Pope Francis recently has made statements which have been lenient towards homosexuality. Why the local hard line?

Meanwhile, the Vancouver Archdiocese wants their churches to reopen despite health guidelines to the contrary having been issued several times by Dr. Bonnie Henry.

What I find difficult to comprehend is how the Catholic church can claim the moral high ground while evading basic social and empirical issues.

A. Leering, White Rock

Peace Arch News